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πŸ“Š Funds Allocation

The InvestFi project has delineated its funds allocation to support various key operations and strategic initiatives, ensuring a balanced approach towards achieving its goals and fostering growth. Here’s a breakdown of the fund allocations:

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Research and Development (R&D) – 30%​

A significant portion of the budget is allocated to Research and Development. This investment fuels the innovation engine of InvestFi, allowing for the creation of advanced features and the ongoing enhancement of the platform to stay ahead in the competitive landscape of digital finance.

Liquidity Pool – 20%​

Investing 20% in the liquidity pool ensures that InvestFi can facilitate efficient trading and provide the necessary market depth. This allocation is key to maintaining a robust and resilient platform that can handle the ebb and flow of market demands.

Marketing – 25%​

Marketing is critical for the growth and outreach of InvestFi. A quarter of the funds are dedicated to building brand presence, user engagement, and strategic partnerships, all aimed at establishing InvestFi as a household name in digital finance.

Documentation and Technical Audits – 3%​

A precise 3% is dedicated to documentation and technical audits, an essential part of maintaining the highest security standards and ensuring platform integrity. This allocation demonstrates InvestFi’s commitment to transparency and trustworthiness.

With regulatory compliance being paramount, 3% for legal assistance ensures that InvestFi navigates the complex legal waters of the global financial market, adhering to regulations and protecting the platform from potential legal challenges.

Apply for Patents – 4%​

To safeguard its innovations, 4% is set aside to apply for patents. This strategic move protects InvestFi’s unique offerings and secures its intellectual property, which is integral to the platform's long-term competitive edge.

Platform Operations – 15%​

The smooth operation of InvestFi is underpinned by a 15% allocation to platform operations. This covers the nuts and bolts of daily functioning, from customer support to backend operations, ensuring users have a reliable and efficient experience.